Data Structure

  GTU Data Structure Practical

1.  Introduction to pointers. Call by Value and Call by reference. Click Here

2.  Introduction to Dynamic Memory Allocation. DMA functions malloc(), calloc(),free() etc.

3. Implement a program for the stack that performs the following operations using an array.
(a) PUSH (b) POP (c) PEEP (d) CHANGE (e) DISPLAY

4. Implement a program to convert infix notation to postfix notation using stack.
Click Here.

5. Write a program to implement Queue using arrays that performs the following
operations. (a) INSERT (b) DELETE (c) DISPLAY
Click Here. 

6. Write a program to implement Circular Queue using arrays that perform the following
operations. (a) INSERT(b) DELETE(c) DISPLAY
Click Here. 

7. Write a program for insert routine in input restricted dequeues. 

8. Write a menu-driven program to implement the following operations on the singly linked list.
(a) Insert a node at the front of the linked list.
(b) Insert a node at the end of the linked list.
(c) Insert a node such that the linked list is in ascending order.
(d) Delete a First node of the linked list.
(e) Delete a node before a specified position.
(f) Delete a node after a specified position. 

9. Write a program to implement the following operations on the doubly linked list.
(a) Insert a node at the front of the linked list.
(b) Insert a node at the end of the linked list.
(c) Delete a last node of the linked list.
(d) Delete a node before a specified position. 

10. Write a program to concatenate two doubly-linked lists. 

11 Implement recursive and non-recursive tree traversing methods in-order, preorder and post-order traversal. 

12 Write a program to implement Queue Sort 
13. Write a program to implement Merge Sort 
14. Write a program to implement Bubble Sort 
15. Write a program to implement Binary Search.
